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  durch:  Cté de Taizé
Réf: P001324
Produit original:
Taizé 843


I am sure I shall see the goodness of the Lord

 von Cté de Taizé
Description of each version :
01 PDF: Song in English (4 voices)
02 PDF guitare: Chords, tabs, 3 variations (one with tabs)
03 PDF instruments: Keyboard, guitar, flute, flute duo, recorder (alto), clarinet, oboe, flute-clarinet, English horn, French horn, trumpet, trumpets-trombone trio, cello, bassoon

Références bibliques : Ps 27, 13-14
Thème : Prière
Usage : Chant de Taizé
Critères liturgiques : Ostinato
Réf dans le recueil : 843
Réf CD : T 568 | T 703
Année d'édition : 2000

Format :Fichier PDF
Taille : 709Ko en 8 fichiers
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Ganzes Album
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01. (00:00) I am sure I shall see the goodness of the Lord (Partition PDF) (+0.99 EUR)
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02. (00:00) I am sure I shall see the goodness of the Lord - PDF guitare (Partition PDF) (+1.50 EUR)
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03. (00:00) I am sure I shall see the goodness of the Lord - PDF instruments (Partition PDF) (+2.50 EUR)
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04. (00:00) I am sure I shall see the goodness of the Lord - MIDI 4 voix
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05. (00:00) I am sure I shall see the goodness of the Lord - MIDI Soprano
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06. (00:00) I am sure I shall see the goodness of the Lord - MIDI Alto
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07. (00:00) I am sure I shall see the goodness of the Lord - MIDI Ténor
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08. (00:00) I am sure I shall see the goodness of the Lord - MIDI Basse
09. (03:25) I am sure I shall see the goodness of the Lord (MP3) M000635 (+0.99 EUR)
10. (03:16) I am sure I shall see the goodness of the Lord (MP3) M000817 (+0.99 EUR)
Titel 51/137
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